Dedicated to the seekers of Truth, this website is free of registration, commerce, commercial ads, politics etc. The attempt here is to understand the Gurbani in SGGS through the Gurbani ('Shabad Langar). Updated almost daily, this website has been online since 1993. It features several hundreds Gurbani Articles and also several hundreds posts at our Gurbani Blog page.
The Gurbani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) or Sikhi/Gurmat of Baabaa Nanak is not the subject of AFTER physical DEATH. Its the subject of HERE and NOW!
Free of dogmas, rituals (Karamkaand), formalities, religious robes or any other religious paraphernalia etc., the SGGS has a simple Message: there is ONE CREATOR of the Entire Creation. Our mind is That (Jot-Saroop...). The purpose of human life is to Realize the Creator Within by Internalizing the Message of the Shabad, HERE and NOW.
The SGGS repeatedly talks about two mindsets in the world: (1) the 'rare' Gurmukh mindsets (Enlightened) and (2) the rest, that is, the Non-Gurmukh mindsets (Unenlightened) — Manmukhs-Saakat-Mayadhaaree etc. The Gurbani asks us to Internalize the Message of the Guru's Shabad and live life with the Gurmukh Mindset.
The Gurbani in SGGS is never specific to location, occasion, person, incident etc. Hence, the Divine Wisdom of the SGGS is Universal and Timeless. Since no particular group or people have monopoly or ownership of the Gurbani and its Wisdom, everybody in the world can benefit from it (Laahaa).
The Sikhi is a Way of life based on the Wisdom of the SGGS. Therefore, the Spiritual Message of the SGGS to all Sikhs (learners or students of the SGGS) is to BECOME THE GURBANI.
A Guide of practical spirituality, the SGGS is a Treasure of spiritual Wisdom/Virtues. It provides all that's needed to Free the Mind of psychological conditionings or limitations and realize its Original Nature (Jot Saroop).
- Gurbani’s Universal Message of Oneness and Brotherhood
- Gurbani Says Mind Must Become a Temple!
- Man Invented Invisible God and Related Fear, Blind Faith, Fantasy…
- Passing Shadow
- Sikhi of Guru Nanak and Caring of the Environment
- Sikhi and Origin of Universe, Evolution of Life…
- Fakery and Pretensciousness of ‘Untouched’ food!
- True Company – SatSangat, SadhSangat
- Gurbani can only be Comprehended Through Gurbani Itself
- Gurbani Defines Kamdhenu